
Görmar Wilfried,

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development of Germany

Viktorov Aleksandr,

Deputy Minister for Regional Development of the Russian Federation

Karelina Irina,

Director General of ICSER Leontief Centre



Baltic Sea Region Development: Strategies, Instruments, Projects


The Baltic Sea Region is an example of the region where the unique experience of transnational and cross-border cooperation between Russia and EU-members and non-EU countries is accumulated. This experience demonstrates, on the one hand, the obvious achievements, and on the other one - problem areas. The aim of the cooperation experience review is to draw lessons for the future not only for the Baltic region, but also for other areas of transnational and cross-border cooperation between regions of Russia and neighboring regions, as well as with remote ones. The round table suggests taking another step in understanding the importance of cooperation for the Russian regions and preparing of a new stage navigating towards an inclusive and sustainable development of the Baltic Sea Region.


Viktorov Aleksandr, Deputy Minister for Regional Development of the Russian Federation

The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Lindholm Anders, CEO for Regional Policy of the European Union

VASAB Long-Term Perspective for the Baltic Sea Region

Görmar Wilfried, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs of Germany

The strategic partnership of the Northern Dimension

Jaakko Henttonen, Manager of the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) / European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Intergovernmental Business Incubator

Brieze Inga, Project Manager, Riga Planning Region
